On behalf of the European Commission, DG NEAR, the EU TACSO 3 project is conducting a second assessment against the DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Western Balkans and Turkey 2021-2027.
As part of the research, we are conducting a major survey of CSOs in the Western Balkans and Türkiye region. This survey aims to provide the most comprehensive and authoritative assessment of the situation of civil society in the region.
We would be very grateful if you could take the time to complete the survey.
EU Civil Society Guidelines – Civil Society Survey 2023 (surveymonkey.com)
This second assessment aims to assess the situation against the Guidelines for 2023 and to compare it with the baseline situation for 2021. This assessment and comparison will provide essential information on how civil society is changing in our region. The assessment findings will feed into the annual EU reporting process on progress towards EU integration and eventual EU membership.
The Guidelines outline the results towards which EU support to civil society in the enlargement region will aspire in the period 2021 – 2027, focusing on strengthening participatory democracies and EU approximation and integration through a strengthened contribution by civil society.
More information about the Guidelines can be found here: https://tacso.eu/eu-civil-society-guidelines/
This survey is a critical instrument to provide data which will inform the report monitoring the achievement of the objectives in the Guidelines. We are asking all civil society organisations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Türkiye to fill out this survey.
EU Civil Society Guidelines – Civil Society Survey 2023 (surveymonkey.com)
The survey is anonymous and the data collected will only be available to the EU TACSO 3 team for the purpose of analysis and reporting.
This survey should take around 30 minutes to complete. It is significantly shorter than the previous survey for 2021.
The survey has four sections with mostly closed-ended questions. It is easiest to fill it out in one sitting, though it is possible to save it and continue responding at a later time.
The survey can be completed in any of the major languages of the Western Balkans and Türkiye region, as well as English.
To choose your language option, go to the link below and select the language in the top right-hand corner where you see ‘ENGLISH’. Please note that the survey will close on 11 February 2024.
Source: tacso.eu