Active projects
Bosnia and Herzegovina continues to face complex development challenges, including economic decline, growing poverty and socio-economic inequalities. Furthermore, more than 25 years after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the social and individual wounds of the conflict did not heal. This multi-ethnic country still suffers from social exclusion and political insecurity, which hamper development. New…
In the 2021, the Italian Embassy in BiH facilitated the establishment of an informal network of organisations and individuals, comprising environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs), youth activists’ groups and informal youth leaders from various parts of BiH – the Zelena mreža / Green Network. More than 200 young people country-wide have shown interest in tackling environmental…
Strong civil society empowers citizens to influence their local governments. Services that work to improve social care, enhance gender equality and recognize the most vulnerable are initiated by the civil society. An empowered civil society is a crucial component of any democratic system and the project collaborates with them in order to get them recognized…
Center for Civil Society Promotion (Centar za promociju civilnog društva - CPCD), together with partner organizations from Albania – Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) and North Macedonia – Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM), is implementing a project named SMART Balkans – Civil society for shared society in the Western Balkans, which contributes to strengthening participatory democracies and…
The Meaningful Activism, Knowledgeable Engagement and Responsible Solutions (MAKERS) Project aims to improve social cohesion in partner municipalities, by improving municipal governance practices on public participation, supporting community activism and capacitating youth for leadership in their communities and beyond and promoting joint action on shared priorities. The MAKERS Project’s overall goal is to improve social…
CSO projects
The list of civil society organization projects implemented acros the Western Balkans within UNDP initiatives.