Meet Hana Suljević, a vibrant young professional from Sarajevo, found her calling as a Youth Assistant on the Regional Program on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 (ReLOaD2). Her journey into this role was preceded by a fulfilling nine-month internship in the communications sector of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – Energy and Environment. Inspired by the organization’s values and its mission to create positive societal impacts, Hana eagerly sought opportunities to continue her involvement.
The transition to her role in ReLOaD2 was seamless, as it aligned perfectly with her aspirations. Following a successful application and interview process, she joined the team in 2023, marking the beginning of a transformative experience. The supportive onboarding process introduced her to the program’s objectives and daily responsibilities, while the warm work environment fostered strong bonds with her colleagues.
ReLOaD2, generously funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by UNDP, focuses on strengthening partnerships between local authorities and civil society. It also places a significant emphasis on empowering young people by offering job opportunities, certified training programs, and avenues for their voices to be heard in consultative processes. Through thematic forums and support for youth initiatives in local communities, ReLOaD2 strives to create meaningful opportunities for youth empowerment and engagement.
Source and full story: Reflection on my role as a youth assistant in the ReLOaD2 project | United Nations Development Programme (