Within ReLOaD2, 10 young people were engaged in 10 partner municipalities/cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. If you live in the Municipality of Prozor – Rama, you can join them!
People between the ages of 18 and 30 have the opportunity to engage in development of their own capacities and help improve the cooperation between civil society organizations and the municipality.
The new date for submitting applications is March 10, 2023‼️ 📆
More details: https://bit.ly/3IBUQpk ⬅️
ReLOaD2 is financed by the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina and implemented by UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina.
ReLOaD #EuropeanUnion #UNDP #UNV #LocalDemocracy #WesternBalkans #UNDPEUPartnership #EUzaBiH