We invite civil society organizations that deal with youth issues and young people from the area of the city of East Sarajevo, aged 16 to 30 (high school students, students, activists, leaders of youth organizations, volunteers in the community) to participate in the meeting that is being organized as part of the development of the City’s Youth Policy East Sarajevo on Thursday, November 23, 2023. year, starting at 11 a.m. in the premises of the East Sarajevo City Administration.
What is youth policy?
The youth policy is a document that the Republika Srpska and local self-government units adopt with the aim of improving the position and solving the identified problems of young people in the Republika Srpska. It is a document with clearly defined program goals, mechanisms and deadlines for their realization, responsible institutions and organizations, partners, and the necessary financial resources and their sources, in accordance with clearly defined areas of interest of young people.
Who are the youth?
Young people are persons between the ages of 16 and 30 (Law on Youth Organizations of the Republic of Srpska, Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska, No. 98/04, 119/08 and 1/12, Article 2).
What does the participation of young people contribute to the creation of the document?
There is a need to include young people in the process of drafting the document, in order to take into account their opinion on the measures that should be implemented in order to improve the position of young people in East Sarajevo.
What if I can’t attend the meeting? Proposals for measures to be implemented in order to improve the position of young people in East Sarajevo can be submitted via the e-mail address: jovana.vucinic@undp.org with the indication Youth Policy. Proposals can be submitted until November 24, 2023.
The creation of youth policy is organized within the Regional Program of Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 – ReLOaD2 (ReLOaD2), which is financed by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Program in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNDP).